As we see Magento is the most successful and popular ecommerce cms of the magento community introduce magento 2.Lets start to work with magento2.
Magento2 system requirement.
1. Apache version 2.2 or 2.4
2. PHP version 5.5 or higher.
3. Mysql version 5.6.X.
4. MOD_REWRITE should be enabled on the system.
5. All Files of magento2 should have 600 and directories have 700 permissions.
6. stable version of composer
if you do not have composer follow these step to install

php -r "readfile('');" | php

as you run above command you will get composer.phar file in present working directory.In order to resolce dependencies you need to run this command.

php composer.phar install

this command resolve all dependencies of magento 2 requirement some times it is possible to install some php extension to remove dependencies.

php extensions can be install in linux system by this command

psudo apt-get install php5-xslt

and in windows

runas apt-get install php5-xslt

In order to Magento2 installation we need to follow these steps.

step1. Download magento2 from git

step2.unzip and upload move it to localhost server to install.

step3.remove all dependencies by following system requirement.

step4.Enable xsl extension from php.ini file

step5.set always_populate_raw_post_data to -1 in php.ini file

step6. restart apache services. type localhost/magento2 in url you will get setup installation window.

you will get this window:-






follow the instruction provided by magento installation process finally you will get installation complete.
backend screen shots is:







Installation is complete Enjoy coding with magento2.